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In this notebook we will explore the main features of the emulators for cosmological power spectra implemented in the CosmoPower class cosmopower_PCAplusNN. We will consider the example of emulating CMB TE power spectra.

Note 1: there is no fundamental difference in the way cosmopower_PCAplusNN works for CMB and \(P(k)\) power spectra. The internal workings of the emulator are the same and the way one obtains predictions from the emulator also does not change. Hence, if you have a cosmopower_PCAplusNN emulator for the matter power spectrum, you can just run this notebook to explore its features.

Note 2: similarly, there is no fundamental difference between different types of CMB power spectra (TT,TE,EE,PP) or linear/non linear \(P(k)\). In this notebook we will consider examples involving CMB TE power spectra, but the same syntax can be used for all types of spectra emulated with cosmopower_PCAplusNN.


import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from IPython.display import display, clear_output

We will set the random seed in this notebook, for reproducibility of results.

# setting the seed for reproducibility


A cosmopower_PCAplusNN model is a mapping between cosmological parameters and PCA coefficients of (log)-power spectra.

Let’s consider a pre-trained model emulating Cosmic Microwave Background temperature-polarization (TE) power spectra. In the CosmoPower repository we can find an example of such a pre-trained model in the trained_models folder (cmb_TE_PCAplusNN.pkl).

Loading a saved model

Loading a saved cosmopower_PCAplusNN model is as simple as instantiating a cosmopower_PCAplusNN instance with:

  • the attribute restore set to True and

  • the attribute restore_filename pointing to the .pkl file where the model is saved (without the .pkl suffix).

import os
ipynb_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath("__file__"))

import cosmopower as cp

# load pre-trained NN model: maps cosmological parameters to CMB TE C_ell
cp_pca_nn = cp.cosmopower_PCAplusNN(restore=True, 
                                    restore_filename=os.path.join(ipynb_path, '../../cosmopower/trained_models/CP_paper/CMB/cmb_TE_PCAplusNN'))

Exploring the model features

Now that the model is loaded, we can explore some its features. First, let’s see what are the parameters that the emulator was trained on:

print('emulator parameters: ', cp_pca_nn.parameters)
emulator parameters:  ListWrapper(['omega_b', 'omega_cdm', 'h', 'tau_reio', 'n_s', 'ln10^{10}A_s'])

Next, let’s see how the emulator samples the mutipoles \(\ell\) for this CMB case:

print('sampled multipoles: ', cp_pca_nn.modes)
print('number of multipoles: ', cp_pca_nn.n_modes)
sampled multipoles:  [   2    3    4 ... 2506 2507 2508]
number of multipoles:  2507

We can also have a look at how many PCA coefficients the emulator uses to compress the spectra:

print('number of PCA coefficients: ', cp_pca_nn.n_pcas)
number of PCA coefficients:  512

The model is a neural network mapping 6 parameters into 512 PCA coefficients. The PCA compression can be inverted to return a prediction for a spectrum sampled at 2507 multipoles.

Now Let’s find out the internal architecture of the model:

print('hidden layers: ', cp_pca_nn.n_hidden)
hidden layers:  ListWrapper([512, 512, 512, 512])

The model has 4 hidden layers, each with 512 nodes.

Obtaining predictions

Now let’s explore how cosmopower_PCAplusNN produces power spectra predictions for a given set of input parameters. All CosmoPower models take in input a Python dict of parameters, for example:

# create a dict of cosmological parameters
params = {'omega_b': [0.0225],
          'omega_cdm': [0.113],
          'h': [0.7],
          'tau_reio': [0.055],
          'n_s': [0.96],
          'ln10^{10}A_s': [3.07],

The reason for using input dictionaries is that the user does not need to be concerned with ordering the input parameters.

The loaded model is an emulator of power spectra, not log-power spectra.

Training the model on the logarithm of thte power spectra is always recommended, as it reduces the dynamic range to be learnt. However, in the case of TE spectra it is not possible to take the logarithm of the spectra.

Therefore, a forward pass of the input parameters on the trained network (with the method predictions_np) would result in a prediction for the power spectrum directly (not for the log-power spectrum):

# predictions (= forward pass through the network)
spectrum_cosmopower_PCAplusNN = cp_pca_nn.predictions_np(params)


Let’s compare the prediction for the TE power spectrum from CosmoPower with that from the Boltzmann code Class. We first need to clone the CLASS repository, compile and install the code:

!pip install cython
!git clone
%cd class_public
!make clean
%cd python 
!python build
!python install 

The call to Class to obtain the same power spectrum prediction obtained from CosmoPower is as follows:

from classy import Class

cosmo = Class()

# Define cosmology (what is not specified will be set to CLASS default parameters)
params = {'output': 'tCl pCl lCl',
          'non linear': 'hmcode',
          'nonlinear_min_k_max': 20,
          'lensing': 'yes',
          'N_ncdm' : 0,
          'N_eff' : 3.046,
          'omega_b': 0.0225,
          'omega_cdm': 0.113,
          'h': 0.7,
          'tau_reio': 0.055,
          'n_s': 0.96,
          'ln10^{10}A_s': 3.07,

cls = cosmo.lensed_cl(lmax=2508)
spectrum_class = cls['te'][2:]

Now let’s plot a comparison between the CosmoPower and Class predictions:

ell_modes = cp_pca_nn.modes
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
true = spectrum_class*ell_modes*(ell_modes+1)/(2.*np.pi)
pred = spectrum_cosmopower_PCAplusNN[0]*ell_modes*(ell_modes+1)/(2.*np.pi)
plt.semilogx(ell_modes, true, 'red', label = 'CLASS', linewidth=5)
plt.semilogx(ell_modes, pred, 'blue', label = 'COSMOPOWER PCAplusNN', linewidth=5, linestyle='--')
plt.xlabel('$\ell$', fontsize='30')
plt.ylabel('$\\frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{2 \pi} C_\ell$', fontsize='30')



So far we considered predictions for a single set of input parameters. However, to fully harvest the computational power of neural networks, it is often convenient to consider batch predictions for multiple sets of input parameters. These can be easily obtained from cosmopower_PCAplusNN by feeding the emulator with a dict of np.arrays of parameters. For example, let’s create 10 random sets of cosmological parameters:

omega_b = np.random.uniform(low=0.01875, high=0.02625, size=(10,))
omega_cdm = np.random.uniform(low=0.05, high=0.255, size=(10,))
h = np.random.uniform(low=0.64, high=0.82, size=(10,))
tau_reio = np.random.uniform(low=0.01, high=0.1, size=(10,))
n_s = np.random.uniform(low=0.84, high=1.1, size=(10,))
lnAs = np.random.uniform(low=1.61, high=3.91, size=(10,))

Now let’s collect these 10 sets of cosmological parameters into a dict of np.arrays:

# create a dict of cosmological parameters
batch_params = {'omega_b': omega_b,
                'omega_cdm': omega_cdm,
                'h': h,
                'tau_reio': tau_reio,
                'n_s': n_s,
                'ln10^{10}A_s': lnAs,

We can now simultaneously obtain predictions for all of the 10 parameter sets. Note that the syntax is unchanged w.r.t. the single-set case!

# predictions (= forward pass thorugh the network) -> 10^predictions
batch_spectra_cosmopower_PCAplusNN = cp_pca_nn.predictions_np(batch_params)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(30,20))
for i in range(10):
    pred = batch_spectra_cosmopower_PCAplusNN[i]*ell_modes*(ell_modes+1)/(2.*np.pi)
    label = '$\omega_{{\mathrm{{b}}}}$: {:1.3f}, $\omega_{{\mathrm{{cdm}}}}$: {:1.2f}, $h$: {:1.2f}, $\\tau$: {:1.2f}, $n_s$: {:1.2f}, $\\mathrm{{ln}} 10^{{10}}A_s$: {:1.2f}'.format(batch_params['omega_b'][i], batch_params['omega_cdm'][i], batch_params['h'][i], batch_params['tau_reio'][i], batch_params['n_s'][i], batch_params['ln10^{10}A_s'][i])
    plt.semilogx(ell_modes, pred, label = label)
plt.xlabel('$\ell$', fontsize='30')
plt.ylabel('$\\frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{2 \pi} C_\ell$', fontsize='30')
